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Nationwide, lawyers and other professional groups are beginning to talk openly about addiction and other mental health issues that affect their members. The authors debunk myths about addiction, and explain how addiction affects lawyers and what treatment options are available for recovery.
The key element of any successful mediation preparation is readying the plaintiff. While mediation preparation should be tailored to address the specific needs of each case and client, the author lays out five main areas of preparation that attorneys should address with every personal injury plaintiff.
Oversight of information technology, as a strategic business asset, is squarely within the board of directors’ role to provide strategic vision and a check on the CEO’s vision and plans. Read why boards must provide greater oversight of information technology, data privacy, and data security and how they can do so.

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Showing Respect
  • Delivering justice and upholding the rule of law is more than good public policy; it is a constitutional mandate and our cherished heritage, and it deserves adequate funding.
  • President's Message
  • Lawyers Accept Responsibility to Protect the Public
  • The State Bar took a giant step forward to protect the public in June by filing a petition with the supreme court asking the court to adopt the Legal Services Consumer Protection Act. The petition asks the court to clearly define by rule what constitutes the “practice of law” for consumer protection purposes and to create a system to enforce the rule through civil proceedings.
  • Ethics
  • Lawyers Owe Candor to Tribunals
  • The new Rules of Professional Conduct modify lawyers’ duties of candor and place a greater burden on lawyers to ensure clear candor to the tribunal. Now, lawyers may be obligated to take remedial action to correct criminal and fraudulent acts committed by others many years after a proceeding and representation have been finalized. The changes underscore lawyers’ paramount duty to the court system and the administration of justice.

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