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This new membership benefit provides all State Bar members with free access to an alternative, comprehensive, easy-to-use legal research tool.
By clarifying and expanding key terms, Congress intends the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 to restore the ADA as a clear and comprehensive national mandate for eliminating discrimination against a broadly defined class of disabled individuals. Read how the Act alters the scope of the ADA in the workplace, effective Jan. 1, 2009.
A recent analysis of mock trial data determined that in assessing damages, factors other than political leaning are more useful in predicting if a juror will award large or small damage amounts. Read what social-political attitudes are more predictive of juror behavior than party affiliation.
Members can access Fastcase and additional search functions through Click on the Legal Research tab at the top of any page and choose “Fastcase” from the drop-down menu. Members then will be directed to log in to My State Bar. You can gain access 24/7 from any computer connected to the Internet. Using Fastcase is free to State Bar members.
February 12, 2009 is the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. Lincoln arguably has done more than any other individual to shape America. He influenced and was influenced by powerful legal and political currents that continue to play a vital role in shaping American law, including the law of Wisconsin. This is the first of three articles that will examine the legal connections between Lincoln and Wisconsin.
By Joseph A. Ranney

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Faster, Cheaper, Better
  • WisBar Inside Track, the State Bar’s new electronic newsletter, debuts in January, delivery more timely, frequent, and interactive news coverage.
  • President's Message
  • Speaking for the Justice System 
  • As a lawyer, President-elect Barack Obama may be receptive to the issues of the law and the legal profession, and a fair and impartial justice system for all.
  • Ethics
  • Fees, n., meaning … 
  • The Rules of Professional Conduct, effective July 1, 2007, define the different types of fee arrangements and fees that can be charged to clients.
  • Column Solves Vexing Legal Writing Issues 
  • Through this column, the legal writing faculty at Marquette University Law School and other contributors will help solve your vexing legal writing questions with practical guidance. Topics may range from broader issues, such as dispelling grammar myths and the value of revision, to more narrow topics, such as correctly using commas and other vital punctuation and employing precise words to make your point explicit and powerful. We may even tackle how to cite with authority.
  • Technology
  • How to Carry Your Office in the Palm of Your Hand
  • Technology offers a plethora of solutions that make working remotely a reality. And these days you don’t even need to endure the hassle of toting a laptop computer when you’re on the road. With the right gear you can fit practically your entire office into the palm of your hand.
  • Managing Risk
  • Effect of Economy on Malpractice Claims
  • According to a recent ABA study, the economy affects malpractice claims. Not only does the frequency of malpractice claims go up as the economy goes down but also different practice areas are more vulnerable to claims than others.
  • Letters
  • Letters to the editor: The Wisconsin Lawyer publishes as many letters in each issue as space permits. Please limit letters to 500 words; letters may be edited for length and clarity. Letters should address the issues, and not be a personal attack on others. Letters endorsing political candidates cannot be accepted.
  • FDIC includes IOLTA in unlimited deposit insurance under Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program
  • On Nov. 21 the FDIC clarified the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program to include Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts. Consistent with its mission to ensure stability in the banking community, the FDIC has acted to protect client funds and assure continued funding for programs that provide legal aid to poor people when economic uncertainties make the need for legal guidance most critical. As a result of this action, an individual client’s funds deposited in IOLTA are fully insured regardless of the amoun

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