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Media attention on the Final Exit Network assisted-suicide ring and other right-to-die cases results in people talking for awhile about death and dying. And while there has to be a better way to exit this world than with a plastic bag over one’s head, don’t look to the law to resolve the complex moral and ethical questions about how we die. Individuals must make and discuss their own wishes.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 makes more than 300 changes to the Internal Revenue Code to provide nearly $300 billion in tax relief and other benefits to individuals, businesses, the environment, and state governments. This summary of the Act’s fundamental tax law changes provides attorneys with the working knowledge they need to advise their clients about the Act’s provisions.
Below v. Norton applies the economic loss doctrine in Wisconsin to bar common-law intentional misrepresentation claims in both residential and noncommercial real estate transactions. Until Below is legislatively overturned, buyers who want to preserve common-law tort claims in any real estate transaction must do so by contract.
Given Lincoln’s sympathy for the right of workers to “put into their mouths the bread that their own hands have earned,” he might well have supported organized labor’s cause and changes in the free labor doctrine if he had lived after the Civil War. Wisconsin promptly assimilated the free labor doctrine into its legal system at statehood, and the doctrine has continued to influence Wisconsin law to the present day. This the last in a three-article series that examine the legal connections between Lincol
By Joseph A. Ranney

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Disappearing Ink
  • Inside the Bar, the monthly print newsletter, has faded from view as WisBar InsideTrack takes center stage, delivering a wider variety of information to your email in-box twice a month.)
  • President’s Message
  • Restoring Public Confidence
  • Public confidence in the justice system and judicial elections? It’s not happening! Using the “teachable moment” of judicial elections to educate the public about the role of the judiciary can help restore confidence in our justice system.
  • Practice Tips
  • The Bottom Line: Tips for Getting Paid
  • “A lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.” This is just as true today as when Abraham Lincoln said it more than 140 years ago. Here are some tips to help you get paid for your time and advice.
  • Technology
  • Saving Your Practice: Backup That Works
  • While nothing is as tedious and boring to talk about as backup, it’s the one technology with the ability to one day save from utter destruction your law practice and your entire ability to make a living.
  • What Keeps You Awake at Night
  • How can I possibly handle all the things I need to do in a day?
  • I feel like I’m not in control of my day. How do I keep the ball rolling on nonpressing client and practice management matters while finding the time to manage the urgent email, phone calls, meetings, and other deadlines that demand immediate attention?

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