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In Sands v. Whitnall School District, the Wisconsin Supreme Court held there is no evidentiary privilege for deliberations in closed sessions conducted by governmental entities. Here is a look at how Sands developed, the potential impacts of the court’s decision, and the implications regarding public records law.
Every recession creates buying opportunities, such as acquiring a properly priced condominium project. Lawyers for prospective new owners of such projects can play key roles in reducing the buyer’s risk, increasing the project’s value, and setting the project on the right course economically. Here is a look at the significant legal issues.
The Wisconsin Uniform Securities Act (WUSA), which became effective on Jan. 1, 2009, clarifies what is a security, modifies how securities professionals are regulated in Wisconsin, and significantly expands the Division of Securities’ enforcement powers. Attorneys representing Wisconsin-based businesses need to be aware of these and other key issues resulting from the adoption of the WUSA.
The authors highlight what they believe are the most significant decisions issued by the Wisconsin Supreme Court during its 2008-09 term.

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Celebrate Pro Bono!
  • Take part in National Pro Bono Celebration activities, Oct. 25-31, to recognize the service that so many lawyers provide for the public good. 
  • Editorial
  • Only Lawyers Need a License to Practice Law in Wisconsin 
  • Why do lawyers need a license to practice law in Wisconsin? No one else does! And no one else will until the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopts a workable definition of what constitutes the practice of law and provides an effective enforcement mechanism. 
  • Ethics
  • A Lawyer’s Threat to File OLR Grievance: …Or Else I’m Telling! 
  • A lawyer may not engage in behavior or conduct that is strictly designed to harass or intimidate another person, including threatening to file a grievance about another lawyer with the Office of Lawyer Regulation. Yet, lawyers have an ethical obligation to report on the known misconduct of other lawyers. The test may come down to proving intent and defining “knows.” 
  • What Keeps You Awake at Night?
  • How can I keep my practice going if I need to be away for an extended time?
  • I have a solo practice, and I’ve been able to manage a few short vacations. But what should I do to keep my practice going if I have to be away for an extended time, either for a personal illness or for some other reason? Are there different ways to cover a planned versus an unplanned absence?

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