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This annual report looks at what’s going on in the legal profession in the United States and in other parts of the world. The legal profession will survive, says the author, if the profession recognizes the change that is occurring and turns it to an advantage.
By Bob Denney
Borrowing a page from Robert Denney’s global look at trends in the legal profession, Wisconsin and regional attorneys and practice management experts weigh in on practice and marketing trends in the Dairy State.
By Dianne Molvig
A number of Wisconsin lawyers have received letters from virtual marketplaces inviting them to participate in their legal services. Contracting for legal work through a virtual marketplace doesn’t require merely making sure your office is fully equipped and your insurance is up to date. State Bar ethics counsel Aviva Kaiser explores the difficult issues that persist concerning a lawyer’s ability to comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct.
By Aviva Meridian Kaiser

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President's Message
  • Wisconsin’s Dispiriting Incarceration Rates
  • Our state has some of the worst incarceration rates for racial and ethnic minorities in the nation. Fran Deisinger announces a new justice initiative to examine and find ways to address this equal justice issue.
  • Your State Bar
  • Suspended Animation
  • What happens if your law license is administratively suspended? A lot, says George Brown, none of it good.
  • On Balance
  • 10 Traits That Slow Your Career Success
  • Paula Davis-Laack says some qualities that lawyers credit with their achievement in school and on the job might actually be hindering their ability to move higher in the law.
  • Final Thought
  • Growing Up Is Overrated
  • Tim Vocke urges lawyers to do fun stuff now; don’t wait until “retirement” (whatever that is).

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