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A day does not go by without new, often menacing, developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. State and federal governments have strong tools to attempt to counter the pandemic, but individuals retain some due-process protections against potential overreach by elected and appointed officials.
By Grant C. Killoran & Christa D. Wittenberg
Lawyers can help older individuals and their families by advising on selection of a long-term care facility and encouraging residents and family members to monitor the quality of care received in facilities.
By Iris M. Christenson
Despite constitutional, statutory, and case law civil-rights protections, sex discrimination and sexual harassment continue to occur regularly in workplaces. This article discusses the causes of action, remedies, and defenses available for sex discrimination claims in Wisconsin.
By Storm Larson & Amy B. Tutwiler

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President's Message
  • Hope for the Best, but Prepare for the Worst
  • We can't always predict where or when emergencies will occur, but Jill Kastner says a new law-practice self-assessment tool can help lawyers prepare for the unknown.
  • Your State Bar
  • Honoring Our History
  • Larry Martin says "The History of Wisconsin's Black Lawyers," a new publication from the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers, captures the struggles and successes of 11 black lawyers who came before us.
  • 101
  • Refresher: Wisconsin's Summary Judgment Methodology
  • Aaron Loudenslager says lawyers should be prepared for the court to independently determine whether there is no genuine issue of material fact with regard to each party's separate motion for summary judgment.
  • Solutions
  • What Happens When an Adult Can't Pay for a Guardian?
  • Gretchen Viney looks at a Dane County program that has a solution that other communities could replicate. The NewBridge Volunteer Guardianship Program provides trained guardians free to Dane County residents. Here's how it works.
  • Managing Risk
  • 2019's Top 5 Risky Practice Areas
  • Every lawyer makes mistakes occasionally, but hindsight can help reduce the likelihood of malpractice-level errors. Tom Watson says bankruptcy/collections, estate/probate/trust, plaintiff's personal injury, real estate, and family law drew the most malpractice claims in 2019.
  • Reflections
  • Lawyers Are Quirky People
  • Deanne Koll asks if lawyers are products of law school and the lawyering process. Or, are lawyers drawn to this profession because of their inherent characteristics?

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