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Correlation ID:a20657a1-9fc0-40ce-9840-577c5e3c0370


While existing rules of civil procedure and evidence have been used with some success to manage the electronic revolution to date, they don't go far enough. The author calls for a comprehensive revision of these rules to take into account the many ways electronic evidence is different from paper evidence. Read what counsel can do now until fundamental changes are made.
Want to improve your cross-examination skills? In this August 27 State Bar CLE seminar video replay, attorneys Roger Dodd and Larry Pozner _ two of America's most popular CLE lecturers _ present courtroom-tested techniques and strategies that transcend the type of litigation at issue.
Buyers now have an additional tool available to discover potential problems with their new home - a report of the seller's insurance claims during the past five years, called a Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (C.L.U.E.) report.
Two recent cases make the establishment of easements by necessity or by prescription more complicated and less certain. In light of these cases, read what lawyers need to know to advise clients who seek to gain or to prevent a right of access.
Some terms used in this article require clarification. Please note, however, that the following are not comprehensive definitions.
How will your clients be affected by the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision in McCormick v. Schubring, which introduces equitable balancing in determining the existence of easements of necessity? How will the court of appeals decision in Schauer v. Baker affect court decisions in establishing the validity of prescriptive easements?

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • On Aug. 17 in Milwaukee the State Bar will sponsor a free conference for all members who are interested in improving their own careers or gaining information to help a colleague make career decisions.
  • 14 Building Blocks of a Million-dollar Practice
  • Which Ones Are You Missing?
  • At this live, full-day State Bar CLE Seminar presentation by Dustin A. Cole, learn what law school didn't teach - the business skills of personal efficiency, organization, team leadership, and marketing that you need to run your underlying business and maximize your revenues.
  • Profile
  • A Friendly Ear
  • State Bar President Michelle Behnke has plans to visit local bars statewide. She'll gladly speak about issues facing the Bar, but she'd rather use that time to hear what's on lawyers' minds.
  • Practice
  • Concerned with the number of probate matters pending beyond 12 months - the benchmark for completion - the chief judges approved a case management review to examine and improve current probate case processes.
  • Practice Tips
  • Cross-examination Without Discovery: Part 3
  • There are many situations in which attorneys must cross-examine a witness without the benefit of discovery. In this third article of a three-part series, read how to employ the techniques covered in the first two articles to actually conduct cross-examination absent discovery.
  • Wisconsin Real Estate & Real Property Codebook Updated
  • If you need quick access to the law of real estate and real property, you'll want to have this handy codebook. State Bar CLE Books 2004 edition of Wisconsin Real Estate and Real Property Codebook reprints and indexes hundreds of statutes and administrative rules governing topics such as: real estate transfer fees, licensing, appraisals, and practice; interests in property; conveyances of real property, including recording and titles; mortgages and land contracts; disclosures by owners of residential rea
  • Abrahamson recognized for judicial excellence
  • Chief Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson, Indiana University-Bloomington 1956, has been selected to receive the Dwight D. Opperman Award for Judicial Excellence, the highest honor of the American Judicature Society.

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