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Lawyers choose to practice in the public interest for many reasons. They’re passionate about providing access to justice for unrepresented or underrepresented people or groups. They like the variety of legal work. Their work is meaningful and gives them personal satisfaction. They get to work in the “trenches” and effect change. Here 10 lawyers talk about why they pursue a public interest career.
By Dianne Molvig
Wisconsin has made progress in providing legal services for the state’s low-income residents, but the need still outpaces the available resources. Here is a look at some of the great things happening, the individuals and groups that work to increase access to legal assistance for low-income residents, and remaining significant access to justice gaps.
By Jeffery Louis Brown
While Wisconsin’s adoption of the Daubert standard for admission of expert testimony has not led to a sea change in the law, lawyers should prepare to make a detailed record in the trial court showing why the expert opinions they hope to offer into evidence are reliable and comply with Daubert.
By Hon. Michael J. Aprahamian

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President's Message
  • When Challenges Beckon, Lawyers Respond
  • Reducing the disparities in Wisconsin’s incarceration rates will be difficult, says Fran Deisinger, but early signs indicate that we are eager and ready to work on this justice-system issue.
  • Your State Bar
  • Déjà vu Again?
  • George Brown says “alternative” billing arrangements aren’t so unconventional. They’ve been around in various forms for many years.
  • As I See It
  • On Pro Se Litigants: Three Judges’ Views
  • Lara Czajkowski Higgins talks to three circuit court judges about handling pro se litigants in the courtroom and relays their advice to lawyers when facing pro se opposition.
  • Solutions
  • Client Advocacy Outside the Courtroom
  • Karl Robe says persuading mission-critical audiences of the merits of a client’s case can be nearly as important as convincing a judge or jury. Aviva Kaiser warns don’t run afoul of ethics rules.
  • Managing Risk
  • Document Everything: It’s Vital to Managing Risk
  • Tom Watson says anything you don’t write down can be used against you if an unhappy client challenges the results of litigation, a transaction, or some other aspect of a representation.
  • Final Thought
  • A Private Conversation on Implicit Bias and Race
  • To resolve the issue of mass incarceration, Judge Joe Donald says we have to become aware of our own implicit biases and confront their influence on arrest, bail, and sentencing decisions.

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