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Businesses negatively affected by COVID-19 might attempt to avoid contractual obligations, but not every contract can or should be negated. Clients should consider both the relevant contract-law issues and the potential harm to future business relationships.
By Robert L. Gegios & Lance Duroni
The SECURE Act, enacted in late 2019, made significant changes to treatment of certain retirement accounts. Lawyers should become familiar with the Act now so as to advise clients to make appropriate changes to retirement and estate plans.
By Andrew J. Willms & Maureen O'Leary
Whether or not mistreatment of an employee is unlawful, such conduct can have negative effects in the workplace. Taking action to prevent bullying and harassment promotes a positive work environment that benefits employers, staff, customers, and clients.
By Lisa M. Bergersen & Claire Elizabeth Hartley

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President's Message
  • Living a Bad Sci-Fi Movie – Together
  • If it's true that "We're all in this together," then let's make certain we're doing what we can to help each other. Jill Kastner offers some ideas to do just that.
  • Your State Bar
  • We've Got Your Back
  • Larry Martin says the State Bar is here to support lawyers and state residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Career
  • Considering an Elder Law Practice?
  • Ben Wright interviews elder law practitioners about their work, the challenges and rewards of their chosen focus area, and their tips for getting started in the field.
  • Technology
  • Clip & Save: How to Use Zoom Securely
  • Sharon Nelson and John Simek say Zoom is a good video conferencing solution for lawyers as long as they learn how to use it properly. Read how.

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