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Although lawyers' work locations may have changed as a result of the pandemic, their professional responsibilities have not. Read new State Bar ethics opinion EF-21-02, which addresses the practical and ethical considerations of working remotely.
By Professional Ethics Committee
In 2020, issues of how elections are conducted riveted public attention. The author summarizes the litigated issues that occurred in Wisconsin in 2020 and early 2021 and identifies key targets of challenges to voting laws and elections going forward.
By Leslie Anne Freehill
Read how Abraham Lincoln prevailed in a major property dispute against one of Wisconsin's greatest lawyers and eventually gained an important ally to his presidential administration.
By Steven M. Biskupic
Lawyers and judges have an obligation to speak truth and combat disinformation that targets the justice system. The author provides suggestions for how to do so.
By Mark Joel Goldstein

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Your State Bar
  • Value: Your Membership Dollars at Work
  • Get the full value of your State Bar membership. Larry Martin urges you to use the programs, products, services, and discounts created with your professional and personal needs in mind.
  • Ethics
  • New Clients & Future Conflicts of Interest
  • Dean Dietrich says clients can waive conflicts of interest before they occur, but for the waiver to be effective, the client must understand the specific risks involved.
  • Managing Risk
  • Scams and Hacks Version 2021
  • One activity not slowing down during the pandemic is online scamming and hacking. Tom Watson says law firms often are targets, but there are ways to reduce the risks.
  • Final Thought
  • A Year of COVID-19: I Am Resilient
  • While some of Ashley Smith's coping mechanisms during this pandemic weren't as productive as others, many were therapeutic and fostered resiliency.

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