​​​​​​​​​​​​​Paralegal Certification from the State Bar of Wisconsin

When the Paralegal Association of Wisconsin asked us to create a certification program for paralegals, we jumped at the opportunity. The State Bar of Wisconsin Certified Paralegal™ program acknowledges paralegals for their experience, commitment to continuing education, and vital role in the legal profession.

Endorsed by the Paralegal Association of Wisconsin, the SBWCP™ credential publicly recognizes Wisconsin’s most highly qualified paralegals, able to perform substantive legal work under the direction of a Wisconsin-licensed lawyer.

This voluntary certification demonstrates a paralegal’s dedication to professional development and excellence. State Bar of Wisconsin Certified Paralegals must meet the program’s exacting education and experience requirements. In addition, they attend ongoing legal education to polish their skills and ensure they’re up-to-date on the latest changes and trends.

 Join the Wisconsin Certified Paralegals Listserv today at ​www.wisbar.org/paralegalListserv​
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To view complete rules governing paralegal certification, see Rules Governing Certification (Rules updated as of July 1st, 2023).
