The State Bar is led by a 53-member Board of Governors elected by the membership or appointed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The organization operates under the rules of the Supreme Court and the State Bar's bylaws.
The Board of Governors works with the Government Relations staff on a wide variety of issues and policy decisions important to the legal profession, the general public, and the justice system. The Board adopts public policy positions on behalf of the entire organization, consistent with the State Bar's mission.
Our Priority Issues
State Bar Position Statements
The State Bar of Wisconsin takes legislative positions on general policy items of importance to the legal profession. By a 60 percent majority vote, the Board of Governors has the authority to determine the legislative positions of the State Bar.
The following are guiding principles for the State Bar's public policy positions. Specific examples of issues which fall under those guiding principles are also included.
The six principles include:
- Regulation of the Practice of Law
- Delivery of Legal Services
- Administration of Justice
- Funding of the Justice System
- Criminal Practice and Procedure
- Civil Practice and Procedure
Current Legislation
You can see more information on positions taken by State Bar of Wisconsin Board of Governors.
If you have any questions, please contact
State Bar Government Relations Staff.
Previous Sessions