Welcome New Fellows
Membership in the Fellows of the Wisconsin Law Foundation is considered a professional honor and evidence of professional distinction. The Fellows membership is limited to 2.5% of the State Bar’s total members.
The Fellows organization was created in 1999 as a special means to honor members of the State Bar of Wisconsin who have achieved significant accomplishments in their careers and contributed leadership and service to their communities. In addition to this recognition, the Fellows aims to energize its members to continue their efforts in the promotion of justice, advancement of the profession, and improvement of legal education.
What is Expected of New Fellows Members?
In keeping with the Fellows’ purpose of advancing the legal profession, each Fellow, upon acceptance of the invitation to join, pledges $2,000 (paid as a lump sum or as an annual contribution of $200 for a period of ten years.) No mandated payments are required (though gratefully accepted) for a member who has attained the age of seventy-five years. Upon completion of the pledge, a member attains Life Fellow membership which shall continue as long as he or she remains a member in good standing of the State Bar of Wisconsin.
Privileges of Membership Include:
- Fellows are prominently acknowledged for their financial support of the Foundation in the donor recognition section of each
IMPACT newsletter;
- An invitation to attend the exclusive annual Fellows Recognition Dinner, a black-tie optional event rotated between Madison and Milwaukee each year;
- Opportunity to run for a seat on the Fellows Board of Trustees or to serve on a committee;
- Privilege in nominating other Wisconsin lawyers for Fellowship;
- A mailed (and emailed) subscription of the biannual
IMPACT newsletter.
Next Steps for New Fellows
Once you accept the invitation to become a Fellow, you will be invited to a special reception and dinner where you (and your annual class) will be formally honored by your peers and recognized with a certificate of membership. The black-tie (suggested but not required) reception and dinner is held in Madison or Milwaukee in the fall.
If you have questions, please
contact us.