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​​​​​​The Fellows - Wisconsin Law Foundation​ 

2024 Fellows Recognition Dinner R.S.V.P. return card​

​To register for dinner or make a donation to the dinner, please download the RSVP and mail in your check.

Who Are The Fellows?

Membership in the Fellows of the Wisconsin Law Foundation is considered a professional honor and evidence of professional distinction. The Fellows membership is limited to 2.5% of the State Bar’s total membership.

In 1999, Wisconsin Law Foundation President G. Lane Ware announced the formation of the Fellows of the Wisconsin Law Foundation. The Foundation’s Board of Directors elected four Board of Trustees officers to organize the Fellows, and the inaugural class of Fellows was inducted in 2000. The first President of the Fellows was Truman Q. McNulty whose inspiration and creative energy made the development of the Fellows possible.

The Fellows organization was created as a special means to honor State Bar of Wisconsin members who have achieved significant accomplishments in their careers and contributed leadership and service to their communities. In addition to this recognition, the Fellows aims to energize its members to continue their efforts in the promotion of justice, advancement of the profession, and improvement of legal education.

Fellows should be lawyers, reserve or retired judges, or teachers of law who are members of the State Bar of Wisconsin in good standing, and are recognized in the legal profession for outstanding attainment in professional, public, or private careers, and for their devotion to the welfare of their community, state, and nation as well as the advancement of the legal profession.

“An invitation to be a member of the Fellows is a meaningful distinction. Those who receive this personal and professional honor take pride in knowing that their participation in the Fellows sets the standard for all State Bar members."

John S. Skilton
2016 Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award
Foundation President 2000 – 2002
Fellows Class of 2000

There Are Four Levels of Fellows:

Fellow:An Active State Bar Member in good standing who is nominated by their peers, approved by the Fellows Board of Trustees, and accepts the membership pledge requirement.
Life Fellow:A Fellow (who is an Active State Bar member in good standing), becomes a Life Fellow upon completion of their pledge requirement.
Emeritus Life Fellow:A Life Fellow (who has completed their pledge requirement) and is no longer a State Bar Member, automatically becomes an Emeritus Life Fellow. Emeritus Life Fellows are ineligible to vote or hold office.
Honorary Member:An Honorary Fellow is member of the legal profession who is approved by the Fellows Board of Trustees ​based upon outstanding achievements in an area of activity within the purposes of The Fellows. Honorary Fellows are ineligible to vote or hold office.

What is Expected of Fellows Members?

In keeping with the Fellows’ purpose of advancing the legal profession, each Fellow, upon acceptance of the invitation to join, pledges $1,500 (paid as a lump sum or as an annual contribution of $150 over ten years.) No mandated payments are required (though gratefully accepted) for Fellows members who are seventy-five years old or older. Upon pledge completion, a member attains Life Fellow membership which shall continue as long as he or she remains a member in good standing of the State Bar of Wisconsin.

Privileges of Membership Include:

  • Fellows are prominently acknowledged for their financial support of the Foundation in the donor recognition section of each IMPACT newsletter;
  • An invitation to attend the exclusive annual Fellows Recognition Dinner, a black-tie optional event rotated between Madison and Milwaukee each year;
  • Opportunity to run for a seat on the Fellows Board of Trustees or to serve on a committee;
  • Privilege in nominating other Wisconsin lawyers for Fellowship;
  • A mailed (and emailed) subscription of the biannual IMPACT newsletter.

Fellows’ Who’s Who

If you would like to know more about Fellows leadership and members, look up a Fellow member by their induction year, or are a new Fellow looking to learn more, please visit:

Easy Ways to Make a Fellows Pledge Payment
