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Shape the Future of the State Bar

Run for Office!

The State Bar thrives because of its dedicated members. If you’re a State Bar of Wisconsin member with active status in good standing who is ​passionate about the legal profession and want to make an impact, consider running for a leadership position. Serving as an officer, a member of the Board of Governors, or a division leader is an opportunity to help guide the policies, initiatives, and direction of the Bar.​


State Bar Officer Elections

Lead at the Highest Level

Each year, the State Bar elects a president-elect, treasurer or secretary, and a Judicial Council representative to help lead the organization. A nomination committee appointed by the president selects candidates for these roles and announces those candidates by December 15. Members can also self-nominate by submitting a petition signed by 100 active members.

  • Why run? Officers play a key role in shaping the Bar’s vision, advocating for the profession, and ensuring that members’ voices are heard.
  • How to get involved: Submit your petition by the first business day of February.

For details or to request a petition, contact Kim Jansen at (800) 444-9404, ext. 6106 or (608) 250-6106.

Board of Governors​

Be a Voice for Your District

The Board of Governors is the State Bar’s policymaking body, representing attorneys from districts across the state. Governors serve two-year terms, and elections follow a rotating schedule based on district.

  • Why run? Board members help shape policies, advocate for member needs, and oversee key initiatives.
  • Which districts have open seats? Elections are staggered, with different districts electing governors in odd- and even-numbered years:
    • Odd-numbered years: Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15
      • District 2 (Milwaukee County) elects seven governors
      • District 6 (Waukesha County) elects one governor
      • District 9 (Dane County) elects three governors
      • All other districts elect one governor
    • Even-numbered years: Districts 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 16
      • District 2 (Milwaukee County) elects five governors
      • District 6 (Waukesha County) elects two governors
      • District 9 (Dane County) elects four governors
      • All other districts elect one governor

To be considered for a seat on the Board, submit a petition signed by 10 active members in your district to the State Bar by the first business day of March.

For more information, contact Kim Jansen at (800) 444-9404, ext. 6106 or (608) 250-6106.

State Bar Division Elections​

Engage with Your Legal Community

The State Bar’s divisions elect leaders every April. These positions provide an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and strengthen professional networks.

  • Why run? Whether you're passionate about advocacy, mentorship, or professional development, serving in a division leadership role allows you to shape the direction of your legal community.
  • How to get involved: Review open division positions and complete a candidate form for consideration by the division’s nominating committee.

For questions, contact Customer Service at (800) 444-9404.

Step up. Lead. Make an impact. Running for a leadership position within the State Bar is your opportunity to contribute to the future of the profession. If you’re ready to take the next step, start your candidacy today!​