Support Groups
Dane County Lawyers Discussion Group
Every Fourth Monday of Every Month
4:30-6:00 PM
1102 South Park Street, Madison, WI - Map
Burr Oak Community Room
FREE Parking on premises
Parking is free in either the surface lot or garage. Entrance door leads to elevator and lobby/pharmacy. Enter through the door on the left, proceed through the waiting room. Community room is on the right, near the bathrooms.
The main clinic doors are locked at 5 PM but the emergency door on the West side of building is located directly off the community room and can be opened from the inside after 5 PM.
What to Expect
Connect with others who share similar professional and personal experiences. Discussions will focus on finding and adopting realistic strategies for happieness, health, and well-being. Bring any concerns you have—or solutions you've found—to share with the others in the group.
This discussion group is hosted by WisLAP, and all information shared in meetings is portected by Supreme Court Rule and cannot be disclosed to any other person or entity*
This is NOT counseling, therapy sessions, or a recovery program.
*All WisLAP Discussion Group meetings are confidential under SCR:10:10.5, SCR
10:10.05(4)(m)(3), and SCR20:8.3
Legal professionals can find help by checking out
Alcoholics Anonymous,
Narcotics Anonymous,
Cocaine Anonymous, and
Women for Sobriety.