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Health Care: Answering Your Legal Questions

Health Care

What are my rights? What are advance directives? Who can make decisions for me?

During the past several decades, major advances in medicine and rising health care costs have led to new and difficult questions about medical care. To be an informed health care consumer, you need a basic understanding of your legal rights regarding medical treatment, advance health care directives, access to medical records, emergency treatment, organ donation, and experimental medical treatments.

Last revised: 10/2013

This is one in a series of consumer information pamphlets sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin. This pamphlet, which is based on Wisconsin law, is issued to inform and not to advise. No person should ever apply or interpret any law without the aid of a trained expert who knows the facts, because the facts may change the application of the law.

The State Bar publishes a series of online consumer pamphlets addressing common legal issues that many people face sooner or later in their lives, such as buying a home, going through a divorce or small claims action, and preparing a will or estate plan. Each pamphlet conveys basic legal information and answers frequently asked questions in easy-to-understand language. 

​© State Bar of Wisconsin

Life Planning  

Planning ahead for future medical decision-making is truly a gift to your family

The State Bar of Wisconsin, the State Medical Society of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Health and Hospital Association, with support from Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, have joined forces in a statewide public service campaign to promote future health care planning. Through our partnership we have produced a consumer guide, A Gift to Your Family: Planning Ahead for Future Health Needs, to assist you with future health care planning.

All too often, families are put in the unfortunate position of needing to make decisions about their loved ones' health care. If you have not discussed your wishes with your family or your clients, these decisions become all the more difficult.

We hope to encourage you to execute a Power of Attorney for Health Care or a Declaration to Physicians (Living Will) in a time of noncrisis, and invite you to consider organ and tissue donation as you discuss health care issues with your family.

A Gift to Your Family includes Wisconsin state forms to help you put your wishes in writing, after you have talked with your family. Your attorney, physician and other health care professionals can answer your questions and help you complete the necessary forms.​