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Committee Volunteer Interest Form

​State Bar depends on you to make it an effective organization. Committee service is a great way to get involved in your State Bar. We have more than 25 standing and special committees.

Applications for committee appointments are due April 15. The incoming president fills vacancies on standing and special committees in the spring, with members taking their posts on July 1. Requests received after April 15 may be held for next year's committee appointments.

Appointments to standing committees are for three-year terms and those to special committees are for one-year terms. Members are asked to commit to preparing for and attending meetings several times a year (each committee sets the frequency and location of its meetings, so time commitments vary).​

*indicates a required field
*Full Name
*Member ID
*Email Address
*Firm or Organization
*Zip Code
*Phone Number
I am interested in serving on the following committee(s):
*First Choice
Check box if you previously have applied for your first choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
I am interested in chairing or cochairing the following group(s):
Please provide any additional information you believe to be relevant to consideration of your appointment
Once you click on the SAVE button, your Committee Volunteer Interest Form will automatically be submitted to Kim Jansen. If you would like to send electronic documents relevant to your appointment, they can be emailed to Kim Jansen