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Hiring and Working with a Lawyer: Answering Your Legal Questions

Attorney Fees

Do I need a lawyer? Who is the "right" lawyer for me? How do lawyers set fees?

Almost everything we do, such as making a purchase, starting a business, driving a car, getting married, or writing a will, is affected by laws. In our democratic society, the courts are available to everyone. Accessibility to the legal system, however, can raise many questions: When do you need a lawyer? Where should you look to find one?

For many people, the idea of contacting a lawyer may be intimidating – they might not know if they need a lawyer or how to choose one, what they can expect to pay for legal services, or understand the lawyer's role as advocate and counselor – so they might avoid contacting a lawyer even when it is in their best interests to do so. The State Bar of Wisconsin Consumer Information and Protection Committee has developed this pamphlet to help consumers of legal services to make informed choices. While it cannot address specific situations, it provides guidelines for choosing and working with a lawyer, and explains what a lawyer can and cannot do for you.

Consulting A Lawyer

Choosing A Lawyer

Lawyer Fees

Last revised: 1/2022

This is one in a series of consumer information pamphlets sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin. This pamphlet, which is based on Wisconsin law, is issued to inform and not to advise. No person should ever apply or interpret any law without the aid of a trained expert who knows the facts, because the facts may change the application of the law.

The State Bar publishes a series of online consumer pamphlets addressing common legal issues that many people face sooner or later in their lives, such as buying a home, going through a divorce or small claims action, and preparing a will or estate plan. Each pamphlet conveys basic legal information and answers frequently asked questions in easy-to-understand language. 

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