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  • May 16, 2006

    Task force will study alternative to $50 WisTAF assessment

    In April State Bar President D. Michael Guerin appointed a task force to study issues related to the Wisconsin Supreme Court's order, effective March 18, 2005, to collect $50 annually from all active-licensed attorneys to provide funding for civil legal services for people who cannot afford an attorney. The State Bar collects the $50-supreme court assessment on its dues statement and pays it to the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (WisTAF) via the Public Interest Legal Services Fund.

    Task force will study alternative to $50 WisTAF assessment

    May 16, 2006 - In April State Bar President D. Michael Guerin appointed a task force to study issues related to the Wisconsin Supreme Court's order, effective March 18, 2005, to collect $50 annually from all active-licensed attorneys to provide funding for civil legal services for people who cannot afford an attorney. The State Bar collects the $50-supreme court assessment on its dues statement and pays it to the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (WisTAF) via the Public Interest Legal Services Fund.

    "The task force will explore possible revisions to the order and make recommendations to the board by December 2006," Guerin told the board at its May 2 meeting. "Possible revisions include but are not limited to: modifying the current rule to allow attorneys the option of donating to a specific law-related civil legal services entity other than WisTAF; making uniform or otherwise modifying the classes of membership that pay the assessment to WisTAF; permitting credit for nonresident members who must pay a similar assessment in their home state; or any other responses that may be appropriate."

    Task force members include: James C. Boll Sr., Madison, chair; President-elect Thomas Basting, Madison; Andrew Chevrez, West Allis; Rex Ewald, Monroe; Ken Knudson, Superior; President Steve Levine, Madison; and John P. Macy, Waukesha.

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