Vol. 76, No. 4, April
Finding Administrative Intent in the Wisconsin Administrative
Determining administrative intent is important to lawyers who are
trying to ascertain if an administrative regulation applies to their
clients. Read how scope statements can help, and learn where to find
by Mia Sefarbi
When disputes implicate ambiguous Wisconsin administrative rules and
regulations, practitioners should consider investigating "scope
statements," found in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.1 The statutory mandate to prepare scope statements
and include them in the Administrative Register applies to proposed
rules that agencies began to prepare on or after April 1, 1996.2 Pursuant to Wis. Stat. section 227.135, agencies
are required to prepare statements of the scope of any rules they plan
to promulgate before drafting any proposed rule. Scope statements must
include: a description of the proposed rule's objective; a description
of existing relevant policies; a description of new policies proposed to
be included in the rule; and an analysis of policy alternatives.3 This article points out that practitioners have
free and ready access to all of these pre-promulgation statements of
scope and that the statements may be helpful in construing
administrative regulations.
Usefulness of Scope Statements
Agency intent "may be ascertained by an examination of the words of
the rule in relation to the scope, history and subject matter of the
rule and the object intended to be accomplished or the ill to be
remedied...."4 Explanatory material from the
promulgating agency may be used to aid in clarifying the agency's intent
in adopting a regulation.5 Thus, scope
statements, which have many statutorily-required components that reflect
- or broadly hint at - intent, may be interpretive aids for rules that
are ambiguous in meaning or effect.
The statements' potential usefulness extends both to proceedings in
which the decision-maker is reviewing an agency decision and to
proceedings outside of the administrative review framework that involve
rule interpretation. As the court of appeals recently noted, when courts
review agency interpretations of agency rules, generally only one level
of deference is applied, although that deference is variously expressed
as "great weight" or "controlling weight."6
However, the court's review turns on whether the agency's interpretation
is reasonable and is consistent with the meaning or purpose of the
regulation.7 When the reviewing court finds
a regulation ambiguous, it may look to sources beyond the words of the
rule in order to determine administrative intent.8
Outside of the administrative review framework, Wisconsin case law
reflects that judicial interpretation of administrative regulations is
undertaken in the same manner as with statutes; the courts seek to
determine the intent of the agency that adopted the rule.9 When a regulation is ambiguous, the court will
look to its history, context, scope, subject matter, and the object to
be accomplished.10
Scope statements may be mined for indications of intent in either
context. While the statements' contents vary from topic to topic and
from agency to agency, they often detail the considerations, goals, and
purposes underlying a proposed rule. The statements may include the
concerns of the people who will be governed by the rule,11 citations to relevant court decisions,12 the agency's perception of the rule's likely
effect,13 and the agency's observations as
to how the issue is handled in other jurisdictions.14 The statute's mandated analysis of policy
alternatives may include the agency's conclusions as to the likely
impact of available choices on affected parties and the remedy that the
chosen course may provide.15
Availability of Scope Statements
In 1987, some years prior to the enactment of Wis. Stat. section
227.135, the supreme court observed:
"... in the normal case, i.e. in every agency rulemaking except the
issuance of emergency rules pursuant to sec. 227.027, the statutes
require the agency to submit to the legislature prior to final adoption
of the rule findings of fact and a statement explaining the need for the
proposed rule. Section 227.018. [Now Wis. Stat. section. 227.19.] Thus
the court will have some record from the agency concerning the basis and
need for the rule."16
Since the 1995 enactment of section 227.135, scope statements have
preceded rule drafting and the subsequent submission of reports to the
legislature required by Wis. Stat. section 227.19.
Nonetheless, section 227.135 has not yet been expressly cited in a
published decision by any Wisconsin court of record, and practitioners
may not be reviewing scope statements as frequently as their potential
usefulness warrants. One factor possibly acting to discourage use of
scope statements is the belief that there is no legislative history for
most administrative regulations. In an unpublished opinion predating the
enactment of section 227.135, the court of appeals remarked: "[a]s with
most administrative code provisions, no legislative history exists to
assist us in construing [the rule under consideration]."17 Although unpublished, the court's observation
can surface in electronic database searches on the issue and may
discourage further research into administrative intent.
Another possible obstacle to using scope statements is the
publication that contains them. In print format, the Wisconsin
Administrative Register is an unwieldy resource. Published twice a
month, each issue has its own table of contents, but the Register as a
whole lacks cumulative tables and indexes. Fee-based electronic access
to the Register - on the WisLaw CD-ROM and in the LEXIS database -
alleviates the problems caused by lack of indexing and cumulating, but
practitioners who do not routinely deal with agency materials may
conclude that these options are impractical for limited use.
However, the Revisor of Statutes makes the Wisconsin Administrative
Register available at no cost on its Web site,
www.legis.state.wi.us/rsb/code/. Online access to the Register's back
file begins with the issue of mid-January 1996 - Register No. 481 - and
continues through the present. Given the April 1, 1996, applicability of
section 227.135, every agency scope statement ever drafted should be
accessible through the Revisor's Web site - so long as the back file is
maintained at its current January 1996 start date.
Searching for Scope Statements Online
In its electronic Folio format, the Administrative Register as found
on the Revisor's Web site permits more systematic searching than does
the print counterpart. The entirety of the online material from January
1996 forward constitutes one searchable file. Thus, the lack of indexes
and tables online is less of an impediment to locating material related
to a particular regulation or topic than it is in print.
An effective search in the Revisor's online Administrative Register
can include enclosing the agency abbreviation and affected chapter
number in quotation marks (for example, "NR 20" will launch a search for
references in the Administrative Register to Department of Natural
Resources chapter 20). Keyword searching also is effective. Text
containing results is shown in the right-hand portion of the screen with
search terms highlighted. The search-specific table of contents that
appears in the left-hand portion of the screen shows the location of
results; this table reflects both the number of successful hits and
where they appear in enumerated volumes of the Administrative Register.
Users can expand the table of contents for each volume of the Register
that contains a successful result by clicking on the "+" sign. "Scope
statements" (denominated "Statements of Scope" in Register volumes
before February 2001) are a listed component of the Register's table of
contents; when successful search results are contained in a Register's
"Scope Statements" section, the expanded table of contents so
Lack of a fee-based subscription to the Wisconsin Administrative
Register does not bar meaningful access to a potential source of agency
intent for rules drafted after April 1, 1996. Practitioners may wish to
explore whether scope statements will enhance their ability to advocate
for a favorable interpretation of administrative rules enacted since
that date.
1See Wis.
Stat. § 227.135.
21995 Wis. Act
106, § 8(1).
3Wis. Stat. §
McGarrity v. Welch Plumbing Co., 104 Wis. 2d 414, 425, 312
N.W.2d 37, 42 (1981).
State ex rel. Staples v. DHSS, 136 Wis. 2d 487, 495, 402 N.W.2d
369, 374 (Ct. App. 1987).
Corp. v. DHFS, 2000 WI App 20, ¶12 n.6, 232 Wis. 2d 400, 606
N.W.2d 572 (citations omitted).
136 Wis. 2d at 495, 402 N.W.2d at 374.
9Uebele v.
Oehsmen Plastic Greenhouse Mfg. Inc., 125 Wis. 2d 431, 434, 373
N.W.2d 456, 458 (Ct. App. 1985).
10County of
Milwaukee v. Superior of Wisconsin, 2000 WI App 75, ¶11, 234
Wis. 2d 218, 610 N.W.2d 484.
11See, e.g.,
Statements of Scope of Proposed Rules, Wis. Admin. Reg. No. 536, 12
(Aug. 15, 2000), discussing ch. WGC 63 (noting agency belief that "if
the rules are not changed, they will be inconsistent with the feedback
the Lottery has received from not-for-profit organizations concerning
needed improvements in Lottery customer service and contract
12See, e.g.,
Statement of Scope of Proposed Rules, Wis. Admin. Reg. No. 537, 16 (Oct.
1, 2000), discussing ch. HFS 79 (citing a court of appeals decision
requiring rule promulgation to permit recovery of certain
13See, e.g.,
Scope Statements, Wis. Admin. Reg. No. 555, 9 (April 1, 2002),
discussing ch. ETF 20 (reflecting agency belief that the proposed
amendment would result in distribution of funds "more quickly and
14See, e.g.,
Scope Statements, Wis. Admin. Reg. No. 553, 14 (Feb. 1, 2002),
discussing ch. Trans. 139 (noting both that states bordering Wisconsin
permit motor vehicle dealers to charge processing fees and that the
proposed rule eliminating a prohibition on such fees will allow
Wisconsin's dealers the same competitive advantage).
Homes v. DILHR, 136 Wis. 2d 368, 380, 401 N.W.2d 805, 810
v. Pugh, No. 87-0126, slip op. at 3 (Wis. Ct. App. Sept. 16,
Sefarbi, U.W. 1987, formerly practiced law in southeastern
Wisconsin with the Law Offices of Steven M. Epstein. In August 2002 she
joined the Marquette University Law Library as a reference/instructional
services librarian.