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Are you positioned to turn pressures on the legal profession into opportunities for growth? Learn which practice areas are trending hot, hotter, and red hot, and which are cooling down on the national and global fronts.
By Bob Denney
Wisconsin and regional attorneys and practice management experts weigh in on law practice and marketing trends in the Dairy State.
By Dianne Molvig
How are Wisconsin law firms faring? Here’s a look at some of the key findings in the State Bar’s 2017 Economics of Practice Survey with insight from lawyers and law firm consultants.
By Joe Forward

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President's Message
  • Advice for Prospective Lawyers
  • President Paul Swanson says there are opportunities for lawyers who minimize debt, live cheaply, and find their passions.
  • Your State Bar
  • Toward the Greater Good
  • Executive Director Larry Martin says lawyers can serve the common good by participating in their local bars and the State Bar.
  • As I See It
  • Fear of Favor: Judicial Elections and Campaign Finance Law
  • Nicholas Harken and Brendan Fischer believe Wisconsin's new campaign finance law might undermine the 14th Amendment's due process guarantee that litigants have their cases heard by a neutral and objective decision maker.
  • Ethics
  • Proposal Modernizes Lawyer Advertising Rules
  • Aviva Meridian Kaiser discusses proposed changes to the ABA Model Rules on lawyer advertising, which are meant to improve how lawyers communicate to legal service consumers.
  • Reflections
  • Margo Melli: A Trailblazer for Women
  • In this tribute, Hon. Joan F. Kessler writes Margo let women law students see, in real life, the possibilities that were opening to women.
  • On Balance
  • 5 Things Resilient Lawyers Do Differently
  • Paula Davis-Laack says it's possible to increase your capacity to withstand change-related stresses and preserve or increase your well-being. Here's how.
  • Final Thought
  • The Disappearing Asian J.D. Student
  • Law is becoming a more diverse profession, but Amesia Ngialah Xiong says Asian American lawyers face barriers that remain in law firms.

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