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Correlation ID:f2e156a1-ff3b-40ce-6758-979f6bbdee2d


The use of blogs as a forum for online communication is gaining popularity and their content is gaining influence. Yet the structure and nature of blogs raise a litany of challenging legal issues, including ones involving defamation, privacy, and copyright law.
Wisconsin's counterclaim statute says counterclaims may be brought, but the supreme court in A.B.C.G. said counterclaims must be brought for certain claims. A rule change to clarify when a counterclaim is compulsory would help litigants avoid the soup of uncertainty.
Attorneys need to understand in what form and when a party aggrieved by an adverse municipal court judgment may appeal for circuit court review, because severe consequences can flow from decisions made and strategies used at the outset of a client's municipal court case.

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Have Your Say
  • Participate in State Bar elections to have your say in important issues affecting the Bar and your practice.
  • Fiduciary and IOLTA accounts subject to overdraft notification
  • The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) reminds lawyers that fiduciary accounts, as well as Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts (IOLTA), are subject to the overdraft reporting requirements of SCR 20:1.15(h) and SCR 20:1.15(j)(9). Demand accounts established by a lawyer for estates, guardianships, trusts, and the like must, under virtually all circumstances, have an overdraft agreement in place with the financial institution and the OLR. If the lawyer or the lawyer's office can disburse funds from a trust
  • President's Message
  • Wisconsin lawyers' pro bono contributions help others to succeed by improving their access to the justice system.
  • Managing Risk
  • Avoid Pitfalls When Dividing Marital Assets
  • Malpractice claims can result when the family practice lawyer fails to use an expert or fails to document why an expert was not hired to help value and divide marital assets.

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