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2009 Wisconsin Act 100, relating to impaired driving, takes effect July 1, 2010. Among several important changes, the law creates new misdemeanor classifications, establishes probation eligibility for all criminal OWI offenders, permits all counties to adopt programs that offer reduced jail sentences on completion of treatment and supervision, expands orders and penalties regarding ignition interlock devices, and affects occupational license eligibility.
Wisconsin’s new uniform power of attorney for finances and property law, which becomes effective Sept. 1, 2010, provides clarity regarding POAs, encourages acceptance of POAs while protecting those who accept them, protects the principal in several important ways, offers guidance to agents, and provides a statutory form.
A recent empirical study in Waukesha County looked at why divorce litigants might choose to represent themselves and whether pro se representation affects the incidence and amount of spousal maintenance in divorce. The results suggest how pro se trends affect family law practitioners in the 21st century.
Some courts and government agencies will not accept postage-due mail, but a recent survey conducted by the Milwaukee office of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service revealed that a surprisingly large amount of mail from Wisconsin lawyers was recorded as underpaid. This article explains current postal rates and pricing to help lawyers avoid missing filing deadlines and upsetting clients, opposing counsel, and the courts.

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President’s Message
  • Looking Forward
  • One year later, here’s a look at where we are now.
  • Ethics
  • Social Media Ethics Etiquette
  • Be cautious what you post on social-networking sites. Lawyers risk violating professional conduct rules regarding confidentiality, conflict of interest, and even advertising.

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