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Tenants whose landlords are in foreclosure might lose their security deposits and any prepaid rent, face eviction with 24 hours’ notice, and grapple with prospective landlords who refuse to rent to them because they were removed from a residential property because of a mortgage foreclosure. Wisconsin’s new Residential Tenants in Foreclosure Act and recent federal legislation now offer some protections to residential tenants.
Even in a sluggish economy, your firm can produce more revenue while improving client satisfaction. This client-centered approach to revenue enhancement focuses on three key steps. First, know the financial indicators a firm should track in analyzing revenue and identifying opportunities for improvement. Second, manage client expectations to increase client satisfaction in a way that improves revenue. Third, understand specific aspects of law firm leverage that are critical to surviving and thriving in
The use of class and collective lawsuits in employment-related litigation is on the rise as employees seek proper pay and fair treatment while employers seek to defend their policies and practices. Here’s a look at the differences between the two types of group litigation, reasons for the increase, and why the trend is expected to continue.
Lenders now must notify residential tenants of landlords in foreclosure at three distinct points in the foreclosure process. The notice requirements help tenants, but they present several practical problems to lenders trying to comply with them.

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Retaining Prosecutors
  • Stagnant pay levels, inadequate staffing, and rising caseloads all contribute to experienced prosecutors leaving public service.
  • President’s Message
  • New Beginnings
  • In working toward a voluntary bar, membership must be made attractive to avoid attrition. Here are some steps to do that.
  • Profile
  • For the Good: An Extreme Home Makeover
  • When the defects caused by cheap materials and poor construction methods threatened a low-income family’s home, health, and unity, attorney Kim Hurtado worked pro bono to find a legal resolution. Then she persuaded her staff and construction clients to donate labor and materials to restore the family’s home.
  • Ethics Opinion
  • E-09-03 Communicating Attorneys Fees and Expenses
  • The State Bar Professional Ethics Committee issued Formal Opinion E-09-03, outlining what information attorneys must convey to clients regarding attorney fees and expenses and scope of representation.
  • Ethics
  • Destroying Client Files
  • Even after representation ends, lawyers still have a duty of confidentiality to clients. Lawyers must be very careful when destroying client records to ensure that they are properly destroyed and no access is granted to anyone else.
  • Legal Writing
  • Be Wise: Revise
  • Wise writers build extra time into their writing schedules to allow for several attempts at revision, polishing their prose to ensure organized, logical, concise writing. Here are some guidelines for creating your own effective style through revising.

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