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The Working Lands Initiative is a cooperative state and local government and private effort to save farmland, protect the environment, and minimize land-use conflicts. A new law provides enhanced tax credits for farmers whose land is protected for agricultural use and who adopt sound environmental practices. The law provides new opportunities for public-private partnerships, and encourages a renewed community focus on farmland preservation and land-use planning.
The new amendments to the Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure recognize the significance of electronically stored information in the discovery process. These amendments, which are effective, encourage early participation by the court and the parties in addressing discovery issues pertaining to electronically stored information, including agreements regarding the form of production and the accompanying costs.
The common interest privilege encourages and promotes efficiency in litigation by allowing parties with common interests to disclose information without waiving the attorney-client privilege. Learn what practical and strategic issues clients should consider before entering into a joint litigation agreement with other parties.

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Inside the Bar
  • Stronger Together
  • The State Bar’s FY 2009 annual report shows what we can accomplish together.
  • President’s Message
  • Who Are They Kidding?
  • The State Bar missed an opportunity to include an attorney’s consent clause in the standard offer to purchase real estate form.
  • Ethics
  • Duty to Communicate with Client
  • One of the most common reasons for a grievance being brought against a lawyer is actually based on a failure to communicate instead of a violation of other Rules of Professional Conduct. But there are changes in the Rules that signal a greater emphasis on the duty to communicate with a client, especially over the means to accomplish the goals of representation.
  • Practice Tips
  • Dealing with Conflicting Court of Appeals Opinions
  • The Wisconsin Court of Appeals is a unified court, meaning that published opinions of the courts of appeal are binding on all four districts; yet conflicts sometimes exist. Learn how to determine which decision is controlling when two decisions are factually analogous but reach different legal conclusions.

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