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As the circumstances of Britney Spears' conservatorship make clear, the topic of substitute decision-making for vulnerable individuals in Wisconsin and elsewhere has relevance for almost all lawyers, not only senior lawyers or those who practice elder law.
By Kelly Mould & Katherine Anna Trudell
Among the hard hit during the COVID-19 pandemic have been victims and survivors of sex trafficking and the agencies and individuals who aid them. Individuals from law enforcement agencies, courts, and social service agencies answer questions about their experiences during the ongoing pandemic. Details vary but some shared themes emerge.
By Rachel Monaco-Wilcox
I was in deep emotional pain. My thoughts raced, became paranoid, my behavior was erratic. People noticed. Relationships suffered. My despondency grew. I hatched a plan.
By Gary L. Bakke

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • Your State Bar
  • On the Road Again
  • Larry Martin is on the move; visiting with members throughout the state to listen and learn, to connect on a personal level so the State Bar can truly know and serve your needs.
  • As I See It
  • It's My Constitutional Right!
  • For the shouting about rights that doesn't fit into the category of real infringement of constitutional rights, we might still be onto something good. Jessica Liebau asks, if we can apply this current interest in constitutional rights in a productive way,
  • Ethics
  • Navigating the Challenges of Confidentiality
  • Keeping client information confidential is a challenging but critical component in representing clients. Dean Dietrich says the secrecy rules apply to all information learned during a representation, with a few exceptions.
  • Practice Management
  • The Role of Legal Administrators in U.S. Law Firms
  • Think of a legal administrator as the go-to person in your firm responsible for one or more job functions, and the engineer who ensures all the trains run on time. Christopher Shattuck talks with four legal administrators about their unique roles.
  • Solutions
  • When Your Client Asks "Should I Hire a 'Real' Attorney?"
  • It's not unusual for potential clients to imply that lawyers who provide free or low-cost legal services are not "real attorneys." Kate Cook offers tips for truthfully allaying the concerns that might underlay such questions and comments.
  • Final Thought
  • Expungement Clinics: Removing Barriers
  • Criminal records can cause long-term collateral damage to a person's life. That is why the State Bar is zealously advocating expungement reform as an access to justice priority, and Michael Yang says you can help.

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