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Wisconsin lawyers share their tips for finding joy in the midst of a pandemic – and offer advice on building a strong foundation of self-care.
Joint accounts at financial institutions might be used to transfer assets at death in ways that account creators did not intend. Learn how to determine whether a joint account holder interfered with a decedent's estate planning goals by inappropriate use of the joint account.
By Peter J. Walsh & Aaron J. Foley
The U.S. Census is conducted every 10 years and, like clockwork, redistricting battles follow. Here is a brief history of redistricting in Wisconsin and what to expect once the 2020 census data is in.
By Joseph A. Ranney
Pretrial programming reduces reliance on cash bail to ensure conditions of release. The author discusses results from pilot projects in Wisconsin that demonstrate the benefits to communities statewide.
By Hon. Thomas John Walsh

Opinions, Voices & Ideas

  • President's Message
  • Biases: Yours May Surprise You
  • Kathy Brost says the first step to countering negative biases is understanding that you and everyone else has them.
  • On Balance
  • The Secret to Lawyer Well-being
  • Julie Bonasso says there is not one source of feeling good, but there is a common path to finding well-being: looking within ourselves.
  • Marketing
  • MS Exchange Security Flaws: 3 Takeaways
  • James Pearson explains that if your law firm uses an on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server, the firms' data, including that of clients, might be accessible to hackers.
  • Final Thought
  • Finding Hope in Collective Action
  • Alex Lodge finds hope and inspiration in the collective work and responsibility we all witnessed in the wake of George Floyd's murder.

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