
​CLE Schedule​​​

CLE Session 1
CLE Session 2
CLE Session 3
Plenary Session

Schedule is subject to change.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

                                ​PLEASE N​OTE: Wednesday is the WALA Annual Conference of Education, however, all paid registrants can attend these very relevant sessions. ​

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.​

WALA Session:   Harnessing Technology: Preparing for Microsoft Copilot/AI and Ensuring Security with Print Management​​

Discover how Microsoft 365 Copilot uses AI to securely enhance your firm’s productivity and collaboration. Copilot is a new feature designed to help you unleash creativity, maximize productivity, and elevate your Microsoft 365 skills. Receive an overview of artificial intelligence and see real time demonstrations of how Copilot works within other Microsoft applications.​ Next, explore crucial strategies and technologies for safeguarding sensitive information in the realm of print security. Learn how to mitigate risks and protect confidentiality in document management systems.​

Presented by:



Mickey Chavannes
Elevity – A Gordon Flesch Company, Fitchburg

Bill Willoughby
Gordon Flesch Company, Fitchburg​

2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

WALA Session:  The Art of Asking Better Questions: How The Right Questions Lead To More Efficient and Effective Outcomes​

"Discover how to create an interculturally inclusive work environment for all. This participatory discussion is aimed at increasing​ knowledge and ability to utilize critical thinking skills to make authentic inquiry, apply appropriate meaning to terms and phrases, problem solve, communicate confidently, and foster more collaborative work environments rooted in authentic relationships.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Applying critical thinking to diversity and inclusion
  2. Creating and sustaining cultures of accountability
  3. Demonstrated mastery of the elements of thought and key questions for c​​larity

Presented by:



Dr. Alonzo Kelly, PhD

3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.​

WALA Session:  Wage and Hour Compliance Issues for Law Firms​

As are other businesses, law firms are subject to state and federal wage and hour laws. It is not uncommon for law firms to cut corners when it comes to wage and hour compliance. Law firms, which are concerned with the rights of their clients, also need to make sure they are protecting the rights of their own employees to the fullest extent of the law. We will address the most common areas of concerns where employers may fail to properly track the hours of and pay properly non-exempt employees, including the following areas:

  • Improper classification of employees as exempt when they perform non-exempt work;
  • Payment for work performed remotely, including work performed while traveling; and
  • Payment for work performed while monitoring emails and cell phones for calls, texts, and messages at firm’s request.

Presented b​y:



Shane A. Anderson
Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C.​

Jodi Arndt Labs
Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry,​ S.C.​

4​:​​​30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Presidential Swearing-in and Celebration

6:00 p.m. - 7:00​ p.m.

Marquette/UW Law School Alumni Reception (all attendees are invited)

Thursday, J​une 20, 2024

7:30 a.m

Expo Hall Open

8:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.​

Plenary: Using Artificial Intelligence with Both the Benefits and Risks in Mind

9:50 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

Cooks in the Kitchen: Law Development in the Wisconsin Court System

Session Description:

In Cook v. Cook, the Wisconsin Supreme Court held the Wisconsin Court of Appeals does not have the power to overrule, modify, or withdraw language from its prior decisions. Since then, Cook has been cited in numerous cases as grounds for the Court of Appeals to refrain from answering questions when the outcome might conflict with or modify precedent. Examine recent decisions from the Wisconsin Supreme Court considering the impact of Cook and its progeny on the development of Wisconsin law.

Sponsored by:

Appellate Practice Section​

Moderated by:

Joseph S. Diedrich
Husch Blackwell LLP, Madison​

Presented by:

Bryna Godar
University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison

Hannah Schieber Jurss
Wisconsin Department of Justice, Madison

Hon. Paul F. Reilly
Concurrence ADR, LLC, Milwaukee

Judicial and Expert Witness Perspectives on the Discovery of Electronically Stored Information

Session Description:

Receive practical tips from a judge and an expert witness to increase your chances of success in discovery disputes involving electronically stored information (ESI). Review what the Wisconsin Statutes and Federal Rules have to say about ESI and the resolution of ESI discovery disputes and assess how the scale and scope of ESI discovery can impact the attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine.

Sponsored by:

Hon. Michael R. Fitzpatrick

Presented by:

Hon. Michael R. Fitzpatrick
Fitzpatrick ADR, LLC, Janesville

Matthew J. Stippich
Digital Intelligence and Partner at Stippich Selin & Cain LLC, Milwaukee

The Practical Applications of AI

Session Description:

Take a deep dive into the practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and learn how you can formulate more effective queries. Determine when AI is most beneficial and appropriate to use, how to use AI ethically and responsibly, and hear valuable insights that will keep you at the forefront of technology.​

Presented by:

Prof. David S. ​Kemp​
Managing Editor of Justia's ​Oyez and Verdict
Adjunct Professor, Rutgers School of Law, Newark, NJ

10:50 a.m - 11:10 a.m.


11:10 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.

Herding Cats: Legal Ethics When Engaged in Community-Based Representation

Session Description:

Explore the many substantive ethical challenges involved in representing community groups whose members have competing agendas. Using an environmental law fact pattern, you’ll learn best practices for approaching third-party payor situations and handling emerging conflicts between group members that arise after representation has begun.

Sponsored by:

Environmental Law Section; State Bar of Wisconsin Ethics Program

Presented by:

K. Bartlet Durand Jr.
Durand Law Firm LLC, Middleton

Jodi Arndt Labs
Law Firm of Conway, Olejnlczak & Jerry, S.C.,​ Green Bay

Timothy J. Pierce
State Bar of Wisconsin, Madison

Edward B. Witte
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., Milwaukee

Guidance From the Bench to Young Lawyers

Session Description:

State court trial and appellate judges will answer questions from young lawyers on topics including motion practice, oral advocacy, and gaining courtroom experience. You’ll also hear advice on the benefits of getting involved in the legal community and hear stories about the jurists’ paths to the bench. Don’t miss this chance to pose your own questions to the bench!

Sponsored by:

Young Lawyers Division

Presented by:

​Hon. Tammy Jo Hock
Presiding Judge, Brown County Circuit Court, Green Bay

Hon. Thomas M. Hruz
Wisconsin Court of Appeals – District III, Wausau

Hon. Yadira Rein
Outagamie County Circuit Court, Appleton

Tiffany Woelfel
​Amundsen Davis LLC, Green Bay

Emotional Regulation: Advanced Understandings for Elevating Your Practice

Session Description:

Learn how your emotions can make the difference between good judgment and poor decisions, as well as functional and contentious relationships. Develop strategies for cultivating deeper emotional intelligence so you can strategically respond to others when it counts; improve your relationships with clients, friends, and family; avoid emotional exhaustion and burnout; and enhance your decision-making skills in situations where emotions run high.

Sponsored by:

Wisconsin Lawyer Assistance Program​

Presented by:

Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW
WisLAP Manager, State Bar of Wisconsin​

Jennifer Lee​ Edmondson
Edmondson Law Office, Appleton

12:30 p.m - 1:30 p.m.


1:35 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Unconscious Bias

Session Description:

Unconscious bias can influence your behavior and seep into decisions affecting recruitment, retention, hiring, interpersonal interactions, and the justice system in ways that disadvantage individuals and groups of people. Assess your unconscious bias, learn how unconscious bias affects everyday life, and discover ways to mitigate your bias, fostering more equitable interactions and decisions.

Sponsored by:

Litigation Section; Diversity & Inclusion Oversight Committee

Presented by:

​Derek C. Mosley
Director of the Lubar Center, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee

Point/Counterpoint: Advantages and Pitfalls of the Mediation/Arbitration Hybrid Process

Session Description:

Alternative dispute resolution, particularly arbitration, is gaining traction in family law beyond traditional mediation and collaborative divorce. Receive guidance on the essentials of arbitration, including its benefits and challenges, procedural details, arbitrator selection, and the arbitration process itself. Discuss the rise of mediation/arbitration (med/arb) in areas like Dane County and ethical considerations surrounding the med/arb process.

Sponsored by:

Dispute Resolution Section; Family Law Section

Moderated by:

Marta T. Meyers
Boardman & Clark LLP, Madison

Presented by:

Hon. Michael J. Dwyer
Hansen & Hildebrand, S.C., Milwaukee

Katherine Cole Harrell
Stafford Rosenbaum, LLP, Madison

Carlton D. Stansbury
Burbach & Stansbury, S.C., Milwaukee

Hon. Valerie Bailey-Rihn
Bailey-Rihn, Val Bailey Legal, Madison

Win, Lose, or Draw Names: Navigating Recounts and Other Challenges to Administering Elections in Wisconsin​

Session Description:

Delve into Wisconsin’s election litigation with a discussion of the latest and most significant challenges that election officials across Wisconsin face as they administer elections in this presidential election year.​ Understand the role of attorneys in election law and administration. Explore the key roles, responsibilities, and challenges faced during recounts and related litigation under the pressure of expedited timelines. With a focus on the upcoming elections, develop your understanding of how to advise candidates, election officials, and the public. Plus, gain insights on answering election-related questions from the public and the media.

Sponsored by:

Administrative and Local Government Section

Presented by:

Erin K. Deeley
Stafford Rosenbaum, LLP, Madison

Lindsay J. Mather
City of Green Bay, Green Bay

Douglas M. Poland
Stafford Rosenbaum, LLP, Madison

2:50 p.m - 3:15 p.m.


3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Five Important Wisconsin Legal Developments Affecting Women and the Women Lawyers who Advanced Them

Session Description:

Join the Association for Women Lawyers, Legal Association for Women, and Women Lawyers of the North in celebrating 150 years of women practicing law in Wisconsin! Explore a diverse range of legal developments affecting women and learn about the women lawyers who advanced them. Topics will include Lavinia Goodell and the right to practice law, the right for married women to have credit and own property in their own names, fair employment, the Violence Against Women Act and its relationship to missing and murdered indigenous women, and more.​

Sponsored by:

Association for Woman Lawyers; Legal Association for Women; Women Lawyers North

Presented by:

Hon. Ann Walsh Bradley
Wisconsin Supreme Court, Madison

Diane S. Diel​
Diane S. Diel, S.C., Milwaukee

Hon. Hannah Dugan
Milwaukee Circuit Court, Milwaukee

Elizabeth A. Fernandez
Wisconsin Education Association Council – Legal Department, Madison

Martina Gast
Pipestone Law LLC, Lake Mills

Hon. Nancy A. Kopp
Wisconsin Supreme Court, Madison

Understanding How Elder Fraud Cases are Investigated and Prosecuted

Session Description:

Go behind the scenes of the investigation and prosecution of elder fraud cases. Explore the legal procedures for conducting investigations, focusing on tools like subpoenas duces tecum and search warrants. Discuss theft as a course of conduct, venue and place of trial issues, discovery practice, and employing depositions to address the unavailability of victims or witnesses at trial. Understand how elder fraud intersects with probate law and discover strategies for overcoming defenses.​

Sponsored by:

Government Lawyers Division​

Presented by:

April M. DeV​alkenaere
Waukesha County District Attorney's Office, Waukesha

Robert M. Mihelich
Law Office of Robert M. Mihelich, New Berlin​

​Peter M. Tempelis
Waukesha County District, Waukesha​ Attorney's Office, Waukesha

An Update on Developments with the NLRA

Session Description:

In this labor-focused briefing, get up to speed on the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) recent pivotal actions which marked significant departures from long-standing precedent. Receive guidance for both union and non-union employees on key topics like the potential for union recognition without a secret-ballot election, a broader interpretation of “protected concerted activity,” and implications of the expedited “Ambush” election rule, the approval of “micro units” for easier union organization, and the NLRB’s scrutiny of employee handbooks and policies.

Sponsored by:

Health Law Section; Labor and Employment Law Section

Presented by:

Benjamin Mandelman
National Labor Relations Board, Milwaukee

Kevin Terry
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Milwaukee

Christopher M. Toner
Axley Brynelson LLP, Madison

Friday, June 21, 2024

8:00 a.m.

Expo Hall Open

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Family Feud: Legal Ethics Episode​

Session Description:

Welcome to the Annual Meeting and Conference Ethics Game Show!

Perhaps you learned and laughed during “Survivor 2023: Law Firm Challenge” or “To Tell the Truth 2022: Legal Ethics Edition.” This year, our Dream Team Contestants return to battle it out in “Family Feud: Legal Ethics Episode” refereed by our Ethics Game Show Host Extraordinaire. Join in the learning and laughter as the contestants compete to correctly answer questions about new ethics opinions issued by the ABA and the State Bar of Wisconsin, as well as ethical questions raised by generative artificial intelligence. Your ability to stay on top of your ethics game will be further enhanced by the commentary of our panel of experts!

Sponsored by:

State Bar of Wisconsin Ethics Program​


Thomas J. Watson
WILMIC, Madison
Your Game Show Host​

Annie Jay
Assistant District Attorney - Dane County, Madison

Stacie H. Rosenzweig
​Halling & Cayo, S.C., Milwaukee

T.R. Williams, J.D.

Emil Ovbiagele
OVB Law & Consulting, S.C., Milwaukee

David H. Perlman
Judicial Education, Madison

Timothy C. Samuelson
Office of Lawyer Regulation, Madison

Dean R. Dietrich
State Bar President, Weld Riley, Wausau

Aviva Meridian Kaiser

Sarah Peterson​
State Bar of Wisconsin, Madison

9:15 a.m - 9:30 a.m.


9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.

Representing Clients with Diminished Capacity in Litigation

Session Description:

Join experienced ethics advisors, adult GAL lawyers, and litigators to discuss your ethical obligations when determining whether a client is of diminished capacity and if so, the severity of that capacity. Identify potential pitfalls to avoid and learn best practices for working with clients with diminished capacity. Know what actions you should take in circumstances where potential financial harm is imminent.

Sponsored by:

Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Section

Presented by:

Jessica A. Liebau
Wessels, & Liebau LLC, Mequon

John T. Payette
Office of Lawyer Regulation, Madison

Nicholas C Watt
Kramer, Elkins & Watt LLC, Madison

What Clients Want

Session Description:

Want to know your clients’ biggest pet peeves? Could you use some insider information on how to impress clients and get referrals for similarly situated clients? Want the inside scoop on what communication is necessary (and unnecessary) from your clients’ perspectives? You’re in luck. Attorneys who have successfully transitioned from private practice to roles where they can hire outside counsel are ready to spill the beans and tell you what clients really want.

Sponsored by:

Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Creditors' Rights Section​

Presented by:

Rebecca R. DeMarb
Swanson Sweet LLP, Madison

Deanne M. Koll
Bakke Norman,​ S.C., New Richmond​

Amanda K. ​Schlitz
U.S. Bank, Minneapolis, MN

Take a Deep Dive Into Technology Competence

Session Description:

As technology becomes more integral to practicing law, it’s essential to know how to use it responsibly. Take a deep dive into your ethical duties in using technology in your practice, including maintaining confidentiality, ensuring competence, data security, and integrating artificial intelligence (AI). Gain the insights and tools necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving, technology-infused legal landscape.

Sponsored by:

State Bar of Wisconsin Law Office Management Assistance Program (LOMAP); State Bar of Wisconsin Ethics Program​

Presented by:

Brent J. Hoeft
State Bar of Wisconsin, Madison

​Timothy J. Pierce
State Bar of Wisconsin, Madison

10:20 a.m - 10:35 a.m.


10:35 a.m. - 11:25 a.m.

Avoiding Employee Threats to Intellectual Property

Session Description:

Intellectual property (IP) is a critical asset that shapes a company’s competitive edge, but it’s vulnerable to risks, often from within the organization itself. Learn how to safeguard these intangible assets by acting proactively, through effective policies, procedures, agreements, and registrations. Discover best practices for protecting IP at onboarding, termination, and in between for more robust IP security.

Sponsored by:

Intellectual Property and Technology Law Section

Presented by:

Michael J. Bendel
Amundsen Davis, LLC, Appleton

Craig Kubiak
Amundsen Davis, LLC, Appleton​

The History and Legacy of Restrictive Covenants and Redlining in Black and White

Session Description:

We’ve all heard about restrictive covenants and a practice called “redlining” but may not understand their origins or enduring effects on communities. Delve into the historical context and implementation of these practices and their lasting implications on homeownership and generational wealth. Gain insight into how these discriminatory practices continue to influence disparities in wealth and opportunity.

Sponsored by:

​Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Section; Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section

Presented by:

Steven J. Frassetto
Menn Law Firm, Ltd.

Reggie Jackson
The Redress Movement, Milwaukee​

THC & FCC: Tips, Tricks, and Take Aways for Handling Marijuana Issues in Family Court and Beyond

Session Description:

Keeping up with ever-changing laws and attitudes regarding marijuana is difficult, but it’s also essential for effective client representation in family and juvenile courts. Get a crash course in the legal history of marijuana and learn how to address judicial concerns (based on fact and fiction) about marijuana use and abuse. Receive tips and takeaways you can use in your next case where marijuana use is a factor.​

Sponsored by:

Family Law Section

Presented by:

Comm. Elizabeth M. Pfeuffer
Kenosha County Circuit Court​, Kenosha​

11:25 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.


11:40 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Communicate More Effectively: Power Moves to Increase Confidence and Influence ​

Session Description:

We spend most of our working hours communicating without purpose, and then wonder why we don't secure that client, receive the promotion, or feel defeated. Whether you communicate in the courtroom or in the conference room, this program will show how communication behaviors dictate our future success and will include specific tips for women to show up with purpose and power!

Human beings are judged every day by how we show up, personally and professionally. Our communication style - what we say, how we say it - has become the basis for how others view us and ultimately treat us. Take charge of your personal and professional future by learning how to communicate with precision and intent for dynamic growth!

Participants will learn how to:

  • Increase awareness of how our communication behaviors dictate how others view us and treat us
  • Show up confidently (and why that is important)
  • Adopt specific body language techniques to increase your influence
  • Control any fears of speaking in front of others
  • Communicate purposefully in both formal and informal situations

At the close of the program, attendees will report:

  1. An increased knowledge of how their communication behaviors affect others' perception of them and how this influences their career
  2. Increased ability to implement specific techniques to communicate confidence, expertise, and influence


Sponsored by:

Ligitation Section

Presented by:

Meg Bucaro, Communication Strategist
​​Meg Bucaro Communications, Chicago, IL

Contact Us

General Info:
Tim Clark
(800) 444-9404 ext. 6110
(608) 250-6110

Sponsors & Exhibitors:
Crystal Brabender
(800) 444-9404 ext. 6132
(608) 250-6132